Box Office Report

Please complete this report after each performance. Please complete on the day of the performance.

You must also complete the end of shift report at the end of your shift.

Any queries, please contact Nick Rogers on 07748 012 119.

A This is the PROJ reference number. e.g. PROJ101
B Use the Ticketquarter advanced sales report to find this figure. Do not include £ signs. Use decimal point. – e.g. 50.00
C This is the total amount of ticket money you took on the door tonight. The amount in this box should be equal to the sum of the amounts in box F and G. Do not include £ signs. Use decimal point. – e.g. 50.00
D This is the total amount of merchandise sold – e.g. the total amount of money taken for any CDs or books sold. Do not include £ signs. Use decimal point. – e.g. 10.00
E This is the total amount of money taken for programmes. Do not include £ signs. Use decimal point. – e.g. 10.00
F This is the total amount in £ of tickets sold on the door at concession price. The amounts you put in F and G should equal the total amount in C. Do not include £ signs. Use decimal point. – e.g. 10.00
G This is the total amount in £ of tickets sold on the door at full price. The amounts you put in F and G should equal the total amount in C. Do not include £ signs. Use decimal point. – e.g. 10.00

Select relevant option. If you didn’t take any money on the door select held by theatre.
I If you handed any money to the promoter/producer, please note down who you handed it to. Otherwise, write “n/a”
J Enter the date of the performance.
K Enter the advertised start time of the performance – e.g. 19:30

Enter the performance number. If this is the first show, select 1. For the second show, select 2, etc.

Declaration – please select your name to confirm that the information in this form is accurate and correct at the time of completing the form. This declaration is needed in the event that there is any challenge to the final settlement.